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IMM 尹默
Independent / intellectual / inspired the hearts
獨立 / 知性 / 啟發人心
Independent / intellectual / inspired the hearts
獨立 / 知性 / 啟發人心


Group Brand / 集(ji)團品(pin)牌

IMM 尹默致力于打造獨立(li)、知性具(ju)設計(ji)(ji)啟發性的高端時尚品(pin)牌,通過設計(ji)(ji)師大膽的創新,展示(shi)現代女性的獨具(ju)個性的藝術結晶。

IMM insists on creating independent, intellectual, and highly inspired high-end fashion brand. Through the bold design of top designers, IMM is an artistic integration that aims at unveiling the unique personality of modern women.



Brand Concept / 品牌理念

IMM 尹默(mo)女裝-獨(du)立、知(zhi)性(xing)(xing)、具設計啟發(fa)性(xing)(xing)的(de)(de)高(gao)端時尚品牌(pai),以獨(du)樹一(yi)(yi)幟的(de)(de)"IMMist 素人"的(de)(de)時尚藝術語言傳達出品牌(pai)特(te)有的(de)(de)設計風(feng)格與意識形態。通過對(dui)服裝線條(tiao)和(he)塊面進行解構,探索一(yi)(yi)衣多穿的(de)(de)概念(nian),結合個(ge)性(xing)(xing)的(de)(de)面料和(he)原創花型,構建出充滿尹默(mo)痕跡(ji)的(de)(de)時尚衣柜。

IMM ladies' wear is an independent, intellectual, and highly-inspired high-end fashion product that aims at conveying its original design style and ideology through its unique "IMMist mortals" fashion and art language. By decomposing the lines and clumps of the cloth, exploring into the concept of "one garment for all occasions", and combining individual fabric with original patterns, IMM creates a fashion wardrobe full of the unique characteristics of IMM.



Design Concept / 設計理念(nian)


Unique, intellectual, and highly inspired ladies' fashion wear.